Sunday, November 16, 2008

Southern California on Fire

Much as I'm glad to see a focus away from the elections, it is with great dismay that so many Californians must add another layer of misery to the complications we face in the new year with an Obama presidency.
Attempts at protection from the unknowns coming next year have decimated most peoples' retirement savings. Can we feel comfortable that the excesses of the election cycle were just that; that everything the great orator, Obama said was just to get elected and that he'll not be such a socialist when in the hot seat? His inexperience coupled with several of the Clinton administration appointed by him shows that change is only relative, as one would expect. As we know, changes that are made without scrutiny of history can take years to repair, since the unintended consequences always ride in the backseat of good ideas.
At least we can pray that those who lost their homes to fires can find the courage to rebuild. I hope they can be filled with an unlimited optimism in the new year.

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